
  • A place to learn, play, laugh and grow…
    The Schoolhouse Dar es Salaam Tanzania
    Policies and procedures

    We aim to:

    Provide the highest professional standards of service to you by
    •Treating you considerately, courteously and fairly
    •Respecting conêdentiality at all times
    •Giving you accurate up-to-date information about our services
    •Regularly seeking your opinion on how we are performing and reporting the results to you
    In return, we ask that you
    •Treat all our staé and other families with courtesy and respect
    •Provide us with the information we need to deliver our services
    •Seek clariêcation from us regarding anything you are not sure about:


    The Schoolhouse reserves the right of admission and enrolment and re-enrolment is at the discretion of the directors of The Schoolhouse.

    2.School times

    Gates open 8:00 am
    Classes start 8:30 am
    Under 3’s pick up 11:30 am
    Over 3’s pick up 12:30 pm

    The Schoolhouse opens at 8am and the structured day starts at 8:30am. Please be respectful of drop oé time and we welcome parents or
    caregivers onto the compound before 8am but please stay with your child as we are all getting ready to start the day. We oéer the option of
    stop and drop where a member of staé will be at the school gate to assist your child out of the car and escort them into school. However, we
    do encourage parents to come onto the school grounds and share with their child what happens at school from 8:00 am to 8:30 am. Pick up
    time for the under 3’s is 11:30 am and the over 3’s are picked up at 12:30. Please inform the oìce if you are going to be late.

    3.What to wear

    Learning can be a messy business and so we ask parents to send their child in comfortable clothes that can get dirty. Good shoes that your
    child can put on by themselves are advised.
    The Schoolhouse uniform consists of a school t-shirt in either red or yellow and then an option of any comfortable shorts, skirt or pants. Tshirts are available from the oìce and cost Tsh 12 000 per shirt.

    4 .What to bring

    If your child is still wearing diapers please ensure you send a change bag with enough diapers and wet wipes. For all kids we recommend a
    change of clothes as accidents do happen and messiness is part of learning! Please send your child with a hat, which can be left at school.
    Please ensure that all items brought from home are labelled.


     All fees are based in shillings, in accordance with the law, and are subject to change. All fees are due by the dates indicated, unless other
    arrangements have been made and have been approved by The Schoolhouse board. All late fees will incur a charge of 50 000/= per week/per
    student enrolled which will be added to the current fee payment. All dishonoured cheques will incur a charge of 100 000/= and late payment
    penalties, in addition to all bank charges leveled against the drawer.
    Payment can be made in the following way: Money transfer, cheque, direct deposit and cash. Invoices will be sent out two weeks before the
    new term and fees have to be paid up before the start of the new term. The Schoolhouse also reserves the right to grant the space of an
    unpaid student to another child on the waiting list.
    Fees for the term are to be paid in full, irrespective of whether the child will be at school for the entire term or not. There will be no refunds
    should the child not complete the term.


    At The Schoolhouse we encourage healthy eating. Please send your child with a snack that reëects this. Sodas, candy, chewing gum and
    lollipops are strictly forbidden. The children are given water regularly throughout the day.

    At The Schoolhouse we encourage healthy eating. Please send your child with a snack that reëects this. Sodas, candy, chewing gum and
    lollipops are strictly forbidden. The children are given water regularly throughout the day.


    Mondays – Rhythm and movement
    Tuesdays – Cooking
    Wednesdays – Water play and gardening: please bring a change of clothes and plastic bag to take home wet clothes.
    Thursdays – Sport, fruit share and show ‘n tell: please bring a piece of fruit to share and something from home to talk about.
    Fridays – Library: please return. library book


    We encourage families to send in a small treat to be shared with the class to celebrate your child’s birthday. Cupcakes or a regular size cake
    is advised. The Schoolhouse keeps candles and plates to serve the cake on, so it is not necessary to send these in. Please check with the class
    teacher if you would like to be in the class for the cake cutting. Cakes can be dropped oé at drop oé time and stored until snack time.
    If inviting school friends to a party, we ask that the cards get given to the teacher to place in the children’s school bags to avoid disappointing
    those children not invited.

    9.Fun days

    We hold 3 fun days annually. We have our Christmas show and Santa visit on the Friday we close for the Christmas break; our Spring Fling
    before Spring break and our Summer fair before we close for the summer. These days are designed for the whole family to come and enjoy
    and we ask that someone from the home accompanies the children on these days as all the teaching staé are busy running the diéerent

    10.Absent days

    Kindly inform the oìce if your child will be missing school.


    If your child is ill they must not attend school, regardless of whether they have conêrmed infection. Unexplained rashes will be considered
    infectious until assessed by a doctor. If your child becomes unwell whilst in our care, we will phone you to agree a time for you to collect
    them. Please tell us if your child has been ill. We trust parents’ discretion on this matter and do require full cooperation to ensure that the
    germs do not keep spreading. No member of staé will administer any medication to any child. Should you child require medication, written
    permission has to be given naming a speciêc teacher, dosage and time.

  • 12.Nappy change and toilet use

    If your child is ill they must not attend school, regardless of whether they have conêrmed infection. Unexplained rashes will be considered
    infectious until assessed by a doctor. If your child becomes unwell whilst in our care, we will phone you to agree a time for you to collect
    them. Please tell us if your child has been ill. We trust parents’ discretion on this matter and do require full cooperation to ensure that the
    germs do not keep spreading. No member of staé will administer any medication to any child. Should you child require medication, written
    permission has to be given naming a speciêc teacher, dosage and time.

     13.Social media

    The Schoolhouse will post pictures of various activities to both our Facebook and Instagram accounts. We encourage parents to share our
    page with family and friends.

    14. Behavior management

    We believe adults and children ëourish best in an ordered environment in which everyone knows what is expected of them. All adults model
    good behaviour and language and encourage desirable behaviours such as kindness and willingness to share. We use the “time out” method
    to address inappropriate behaviours. In cases of serious misbehaviour, the parents will be contacted immediately and the child may be
    suspended or removed permanently from the school.


    There is limited parking on the road outside the school. Drivers are requested to be considerate of others and park in a way that optimizes
    the space available. Cars dropping children can stop in front of the school in order to allow a member of staé to help the child(ren)
    disembark. Please be vigilant of personal property at all times. The Schoolhouse is not liable for any damage or theft caused.

    16.Contact us

     Teacher Rachel can be contacted on teacherrachel@theschoolhousetz.com
    Administrative queries can be sent to
    Telephone number: 0689 102 102